Perhaps, dear reader, you are upset about the time period between my last blog and this one. Or it is quite possible you don’t mind, but some explanation is due and necessary really. So the first two days of this week were days off, national holidays in Germany. Well the 3rd was Reunification Day and I don’t know what Monday was, but I wasn’t complaining. It was the most consecutive days that I could sleep past 6AM that I’ve had since my arrival. Now, you may be thinking to yourself something to the effect of ‘It only makes sense that he should write more when he has more free time.’ I assure you that that is not the case. Indeed, more free time is never bad, but I spent that free time reading or thinking or sleeping. I did some laundry and some dishes. I checked my email, but I didn’t feel like writing. The rest of the week just slipped right by due to stress. I have been planning a vacation, and found out after plans were made and tickets purchased that my boss had turned down my vacation days. I was upset and forced to argue in German for my cause. Eventually I was able to get the days off for a one time thing, apparently future days off must be taking during school breaks. The weirdest part was after finally meeting with my boss (he’s at the top of a somewhat lengthy chain of command, so it was my last resort) and telling him, he just sort of complied and then told me that my German is getting a lot better. Then we laughed. It was weird after being annoyed by him and thinking he was being unfair for so long to finally realize that he was a person and that he cared about me. And so we just had this moment that was like a normal, we’re just hanging out, moment. It was pretty cool, and I was relieved that I was good to go on the vacation I’ve been planning and looking forward to for a long time.
Okay, on to more real things.
Perhaps, dear reader, you are upset about the time period between my last blog and this one. Or it is quite possible you don’t mind, but some explanation is due and necessary really. So the first two days of this week were days off, national holidays in Germany. Well the 3rd was Reunification Day and I don’t know what Monday was, but I wasn’t complaining. It was the most consecutive days that I could sleep past 6AM that I’ve had since my arrival. Now, you may be thinking to yourself something to the effect of ‘It only makes sense that he should write more when he has more free time.’ I assure you that that is not the case. Indeed, more free time is never bad, but I spent that free time reading or thinking or sleeping. I did some laundry and some dishes. I checked my email, but I didn’t feel like writing. The rest of the week just slipped right by due to stress. I have been planning a vacation, and found out after plans were made and tickets purchased that my boss had turned down my vacation days. I was upset and forced to argue in German for my cause. Eventually I was able to get the days off for a one time thing, apparently future days off must be taking during school breaks. The weirdest part was after finally meeting with my boss (he’s at the top of a somewhat lengthy chain of command, so it was my last resort) and telling him, he just sort of complied and then told me that my German is getting a lot better. Then we laughed. It was weird after being annoyed by him and thinking he was being unfair for so long to finally realize that he was a person and that he cared about me. And so we just had this moment that was like a normal, we’re just hanging out, moment. It was pretty cool, and I was relieved that I was good to go on the vacation I’ve been planning and looking forward to for a long time.
Okay, on to more real things.
good ol holger...the top of the chain of command. and about biking a good ways towards potsdam....thats kind of amazing. and i dont know if i testified to the annoyingness of your door bell that you wrote about awhile ago, but yes, it is indeed from the depths of hell
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