Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Episode 3: The One Where We Cooked Our Goose

For the turkey day festivities I decided, after much internal debate, to make the journey to Karlsruhe in the west of Deutschland to join a few fellow Intermennonites (You should look into doing Intermenno, it is a great program…) for a celebration.
I first traveled to Giessen, which turned out to be a pretty decently sized city, where I hung out with Mattias, we had a jam session with guitar and djimbé which was a lot of fun. We stayed up pretty late, even when compared to my former 2AM standard, (well, I think we ended up going to bed about 3AM…) but really late compared to my new 10-11PM standard. We planned to sleep in until 11AM, but I woke up about 8AM and by 9AM I couldn’t even lay around anymore.
We walked to the Lidl across the street and got some eggs, bread and bacon. Well, it wasn’t bacon so much as two chunks of bacon looking meat. I figured we could slice them down and make them into at least something baconesque. No dice. Es geht nicht. Eventually I gave up and threw one of the whole chunks on the pan. It didn’t taste the best really, so it was a bad idea. We also made some eggs in a basket, which were quite good. Then we headed off in the direction of Karlsruhe. It was a decent road trip, complete with GPS (The GPS was at best a genius and at worst great for making circles). We had a good conversation and stopped in Wintersheim to pick up Josh and tour the Winery (home of my top secret Wine-Man Wine-cellar). The dogs at that place are evil geniuses, or at least bullies. They can punch pretty hard when they feel like it too.
Then we jumped in the van and headed to Karlsruhe. We got to our destination and found a playground but none of our peoples. I tried out the slide. It worked, and also happened to be wet. Hurrah. (Sarcasm). After we were found, we went on a shopping trip that made up in sheer determination and spontaneity what it was lacking in organization. We discussed the prospect of a proper Thanksgiving meal, traditionally a turkey. Now, they have turkeys in Germany, but they are quite small to be trusted. In Giessen, Mattias and I thought it would be cool to make a duck for the occasion. In the end we decided on a Goose, which is mentioned in Sherlock Holmes as being a traditional Christmasy type dish. It turned out to be a good meal, though it was off to a slow start when we got up at 9 to start cooking it, which really involved looking on the internet for a recipe for a good hour before finally deciding on the first one we found. Also included in the meal were mashed potatoes, corn and sweet potatoes. It was a good meal and great times. Then John, Josh, Mattias and I woke up at 6AM and crammed into a van for the beginning of my long journey home.


At 6:21 PM GMT+1, Blogger Maria said...

what is up with all these anonymous comments?? Sounds like a fun Thanksgiving. I'm impressed that you cooked a duck.


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